
Open Quran 1.9.25

Open Quran 1.9.25

Open Quran 1.9.25

Most Quran Software are consisting of a Quran version and some translations, which users can't choose or change. For studying purpose this can't help much and the user has to use many software for getting results which has to be written else where

OpenQuran is in this case very easy to use and can be developed the way the user like to.Including own version of Quran and with many translation as possible. Writing own Comments to every Vers in the Quran, also importing written comments. Viewing some verses with own comments in-between, This can be saved as .oq file and shared with other OpenqQuran users. The OpenQuran application can be translated easily to any language by changing a xml file, Suras names can be changed although the way user like to and many other options


