
DFX Audio Enhancer 9.302 - Winamp

Resign your digital penalization files many vibrancy with DFX Audio Attention. DFX enhances your penalization listening undergo by rising the sensation attribute of MP3, cyberspace radio, Windows Media and opposite music files. Renew stereo depth, add 3D circle solid, reestablish sensation limpidity, increase your frequence levels, and produce sound, wealthy low sounds. DFX also features improvement for headphones pattern, frequency spectrum instrument, finely-tuned penalization presets, powerful punishment and delivery frequency modes, and some Hold Solid - Plunge yourself interior the penalty
Pic Environment - Regenerate confiscate exposure depth
Dynamic Climb Boosting - Viscus up the volume
Headpahones Optimization - Rivet many beautiful, fresh sounds with headphones
Customizable Penalization Presets - Superior finely-tuned settings for more styles of euphony
Flourishing HyperBass - Food deeper, richer ostinato
Last Faithfulness Refurbishment - Kill that "muffled" unbroken
Spectrum Instrument - "See" DFX intensify your enounce
Penalisation and Language Modes - Get optimized vocalise for any identify of audio
Customizable Skins - Decide from hundreds of amazing skins


